DUNA-Corradini will participate in "Incontri con le Imprese - UNIMORE" 2024, the meetings’ cycle organized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia to foster contact between undergraduates and local Companies. We invite the young talents to join us at the Monzani Forum on Thursday 11 April from 14.30 to 17.30.
Once again this year the DUNA Group is proud to take part in "Incontri con le Imprese – UNIMORE", the initiative organized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia to put the University students and undergraduates in contact with the main local Companies.
On Thursday 11 April at the Monzani Forum in Modena (14.30 - 17.30), DUNA-Corradini and its DUNAPACK® Division will be pleased to meet students, undergraduates and graduates of scientific, chemical and economic-statistical Faculties.
"DUNA has always been committed to contributing to the growth and training of young local talents, offering opportunities for internship or first job placement. From 2015 to date, we carried out 38 training projects as university internships or school-work alternation" explains Gabriella Uguzzoni, HR Manager of DUNA "Once again this year DUNA will attend the “Incontri con le imprese” event by UNIMORE to meet students and graduates of the scientific Faculties and present our Company, a solid and pragmatic reality, an excellent first training ground for tomorrow professionals"
For further info and to register, please visit